PROSEMA is a private company incorporated under Malian law specializing in the food industry. It aims to promote sesame from Mali and is among the leaders in the outflow of agricultural products in the country. It is registered in the Bamako commercial register under the number: MA-Bko.2007.3819. Its headquarters are in Banankabougou, Bamako, Republic of Mali. The company PROSEMA-SAU (Promotion du Sésame du Mali) is a company incorporated under Malian law specializing in the food industry, and a leader in the sale of sesame from Mali to foreign markets, in particular China, India, Israel, Japan, Turkey and Europe. Its business model is built on sourcing from small agricultural producers, for whom the company wishes to contribute to integration into the local and national economy, and develop a cash crop complementary to cotton, which remains the main cash crop. in Mali OUR LOCAL PARTNERS: The company sources its raw materials from more than 16,000 local producers who operate around 18,000 hectares in five administrative regions: Kayes, Koulikoro, Ségou, Sikasso and Mopti. These producers are supported by PROSEMA through contributions in seeds and inputs, but also through training in cultivation techniques and Good Agricultural Practices. PROSEMA’s ambition for 2017 is to expand this network so as to be connected with around 40,000 producers for a production of around 20,000 tonnes. This volume should ensure a secure and sufficient supply of the PROSEMA Sesame Valorization Center. In addition to its production network, PROSEMA-SAU also sources its supplies from other organizations supervised by local NGOs as well as wholesale collectors from Mali. OUR RESOURCES: PROSEMA’s Sesame Valorization Center (CVS) is located in Fana (a locality approximately 120 km east of Bamako) for cleaning, shelling and sorting sesame seeds by color. With these units, the company brings various high-quality sesame products to the international market: sesame cleaned with an impurity rate of less than 1%, shelled sesame ready for use in bakeries and sesame sorted according to grading. and color. PROSEMA-SAU also created 45 direct jobs, including 25 permanent and 20 seasonal, and 110 indirect jobs in Mali. Visit the website: http //:

Contact Company

Name : Soumaïla COULIBALY
Position held : General manager
Téléphone : +(223) 66 75 82 40 / +(223) 66 75 85 41
Mobile : +(223) 76 40 95 90
Email :
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