SVPSM 2021 program
Thursday 08 July 2021

Mr. Komlan Sedzro

Dean of the School of Science and Management of the University of Quebec in Montreal (ESG-UQAM)
Duration (Ottawa hours)
Duration (Bamako hours)
09h00 – 9h10
13h00 – 13h10
Installation of participants and a word from the moderator
09h10 – 9h20
13h10 – 13h20
Welcome and address by Mr. Mahmoud Ould Mohamed
Minister of Industry and Commerce
09h20 – 9h30
13h20 – 13h30
Address by the Managing Director, Mr. Tarik Khan
Director General of West and Central Africa, Global Affairs Canada (GAC)
09h30 – 9h40
13h30 – 13h40
Word from the FAO Representative, on behalf of the Agencies, Funds, Programs and Projects, partners of the Main dans la initiative Main and the Virtual Exhibition on Products and Services of Mali (SVPSM 2021), Mr. Mohamadou Mansour N'DIAYE
FAO Representative Bamako - Mali
09h40 – 09h50
13h40 – 13h50
Mot de Monsieur Douglas SCOTT Proudfoot
Chargé d'affaires de l'ambassade du Canada au Mali
09h50 – 10h00
13h50 – 14h00
SVPSM 2021 opening speech by His Excellency, Mr. Abdoulaye DIOP
Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Mali (MAECI)
10h00 – 10h10
14h00 – 14h10
10h10 – 10h30
14h10 – 14h30
Presentation of TFO by Steve Tipman
General Manager - TFO Canada
10h30 – 10h45
14h30 – 14h45
Presentation of FINDEV Canada
Financing structure for entrepreneurs in developing markets in the agro-food sector by Mrs. Yolanda Banks, Director, Business Cooperatives and Operations
10h45 – 11h00
14h45 – 15h00
Presentation of the inclusive project by Monsieur Dramane SIDIBE
Director of the Inclusive Funding Project for agricultural sectors in Mali
11h00 – 11h50
15h00 – 15h50
Question and Answer
11h50 – 12h00
15h50 – 16h00
12h00 – 12h50
16h00 – 16h50
TFO Canada online services and tools to guide exporting SMEs and trade support institutions to access the Canadian market - by Hery Ramiarison, Project Officer- TFO Canada
12h50 – 13h00
16h50 – 17h00
Question and Answer
Friday July 09, 2021

Session moderated by Mr. Karl Miville de Chêne

Expert in international trade, Firm, CFCI, consultant of the Embassy of the Republic of Mali in Canada TFO partner
Duration (Ottawa hours)
Duration (Bamako hours)
10h30 – 10h40
14h30 – 14h40
Presentation of the Export Promotion Agency (APEX-Mali) by, the Director General, Mr. Demba KANTE
Introducing the Canadian Opportunity
Agri-food markets in Canada with a focus on Gum Arabic, Mango, Cashew.
Agreements, prices, and logistics
10h40 – 11h30
14h40 – 15h30
Steps to export to Canada
The Importance of Regulating Agri-Food Products Exports to Canada
Some strategies for entering the Canadian agri-food market.
11h30 – 11h45
15h30 – 15h45
Overview of the distribution of agri-food products in Canada
11h45 – 12h00
15h45 – 16h00
Presentation of the normative framework for doing business at Mali by the Director General of the Promotion Agency of Investments (API-MALI), Mr. Moussa Ismaël TOURE
12h00 – 12h20
16h00 – 16h20
Question and Answer

Session moderated by Mr Bertrand Wall

Expert in strategic marketing, consultant of the Canada Trade Promotion Office (TF0 Canada) TFO partner
Duration (Ottawa hours)
Duration (Bamako hours)
Session moderated by Mr Bertrand Wall associate TFO
12h30 – 12h40
16h30 – 16h40
Presentation of the export support program, Reinforced Integrated Framework (CIR - ITC) by, the National Coordinator, Mr. Dansinè COULIBALY
12h40 – 13h30
16h40 – 17h30
Overview of the cosmetics market and trends in Canada: ingredients and finished products
Presentation of the shea, baobab and sesame market.
13h30 – 13h45
17h30 – 17h45
Discussion on opportunities for Mali
13h45 – 14h00
17h45 – 18h00
Question and Answer
14h00 – 14h30
18h00 – 18h30
Ingredients and beauty products in Canada: regulation and distribution
14h30 – 14h45
18h30 – 18h45
Strategies and practical advice for exporting shea, baobab and sesame to Canada
14h45 – 15h00
18h45 – 19h00
Question and Answer

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The Virtual Fair is Organized By:

The Embassy of the Republic of Mali in Canada

in collaboration with :