Kalojé is a producer and seller of shea butter improved soap-pom cooperative created in 2010 in the district of Bamako.
These main products are shea butter enhances soap-pom, and organic butter. They are packed in plastic bags, glass bottles, glass jars, plastic bottles and the like, they are sold in retail, semi-wholesale, wholesale, export, deposit at dealer.
The cooperatives initiated by the project to support women’s groups in shea farming have decided to set up a marketing structure to help them increase their income and improve their profitability. A provisional committee has been set up to create this structure.
On May 31, 2010, the constitutive General Assembly was held to form the kalojé union
Its mission is to market products under the kaloje brand on national, sub-regional and international markets.
The kalojé brand was created and launched in December 2007 and registered with the industrial property office on April 3, 2008.
Since its creation, the brand has managed to acquire a certain notoriety thanks to the quality of its products.

  1. Marketed improved shea butter and its derivatives: soaps, ointments and moisturizers.
  2. Negotiate and buy raw materials, jars and labels for product packaging.
  3. Develop markets at local, sub-regional and international level.
  4. Participate in fairs and activities promoting shea
  5. Provide technical support in marketing to cooperative members

Visit the site web : http://kaloje.ciefsarl.ml

Contact Company

Name : Korotoumou Berthé et Coumba Samoura
Position held : president and manager
Phone :
Mobile : +(223) 76 26 78 80
Email : sambatos.60@gmail.com
Name : Lamine DOUMBIA
Poste Occupé : Commercial Union Kalojè
Phone : +(223) 99 67 97 68
Mobile : +(223) 78 66 53 75
Email : laminedoumbia86@yooho.com
Some Production Pictureskalojé
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