Agro-Industrie Développement SA (AID-SA) is a company incorporated under Malian law with the mission, among other things, to contribute to the sustainable development of agriculture in Mali, to food self-sufficiency and to the protection of the environment. The two main axes are: Part I Agriculture: Component II Forestry, REDD (Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation & amp; Degradation) and Ecotourism: The company has agricultural land covering an area of 1200 hectares of agricultural plain for development and operation in Badogo / Malikila and Yanfolila West in the Circle of Yanfolila, Region of Sikasso. Knowing that the development of agriculture is linked to the sustainable management of natural resources, the company AID-SA has also signed, with the National Directorate of Nature Conservation (DNCN) a contract for the leasing of forests and protected areas. of the Bougouni Yanfolila Complex along the Baoulé River with an area of approximately 200,000 hectares for a renewable period of 20 years. This is the first experience of management delegated to a private company in Mali.